
Towards 20,000 current projects in FRIS


FRIS comprises a growing number of research projects of the Flemish knowledge institutions.  Towards the end of 2022 the number of running research projects amounted to almost 20.000.  Most of them are situated in the fields of Natural sciences (25%) and Medical and health sciences (24%).  The Social sciences and Engineering and technology are equally strongly represented (20 and 19%). The Humanities and the arts (10%) and Agricultural, veterinary and food sciences (3%)  account for the remainder of the projects.  About 1% of the projects had no science disciplines assigned to them.  The figures for 2022 are interim results (22/12/2022). Look in detail... 

Annually more than 50,000 new publications in FRIS

Every year, more than 50,000 new publications are published in FRIS. These are mainly (about 77%) publications in scientific journals, book contributions (about 15%) and books (less than 10%). The figures for 2022 are preliminary results (as of 22/12/2022). Look in detail...

Projects in FRIS are mainly financed by the Flemish government

Institutions provide information to FRIS on publicly funded research.  The projects listed in FRIS are mainly financed by the Flemish government (73%).  19% of the budget comes from Europe, about 7% comes from the federal government.  In 2022 these projects represent a yearly budget of more than 800 million euros. Look in detail...

Each institution has its own specializations

Between the individual institutions, there is a certain variation in the distribution across the various disciplines. The data displayed are those of projects started during the last five years (till 22/12/2022).  Only institutions with at least 10 projects in the selected time period are shown. Look in detail...

The publication profile of research in Flanders

The profile of research disciplines Flemish researchers are publishing in changes with time.  The relative importance of some of the research disciplines has been increasing during the last 8 years such as clinical and experimental medicine.  For other research disciplines, the relative importance has been decreasing such as biology, biosciences, chemistry and mathematics.  The accompanying figure is based on publications in Web of Science Journals.  The figure indicates the relative importance of the research disciplines for the FRIS dataproviders (within Flanders) and thus does not reflect the specialisation of research in Flanders compared to the world standard. Look in detail...